Bed Room

Bed Room - Place to Relax

This is where we rest, relax, and regain our strength and the position of the bed is important. For ideal conditions it should lie diagonally opposite the main bedroom door, so the occupant has the widest view and can see anyone who enters, ensuring smooth and balance “chi” flow. Of course this is not always possible and corrections can be made by using crystals, and mirrors.

Few Hints

The bedroom should be far away from the front door of the home to ensure calmer, more refreshing sleep. Never sleep with foot of the bed opposite a large window or doorway.

To bring greater romance into your relationship, burn essential oil or incense and positions lots of candles around the bedroom. Keep fresh red or pink flowers in a white vase, as well as small red-coloured items around the room. Using peach or pink sheets radiates romantic energy. Other colours for bedroom harmony include pale pastels or nature prints like flowers and leaves.

The bedroom should be a retreat from the world. Keep clothes in a separate dressing room or storage area, or cupboard as they absorb outside energy. Never place anything under the bed – keep the space clear and ensure the bedspread does not reach the ground, so energy and fresh air can flow through easily. You need to allow some space on either side of the bed, and side tables should be round, as square tables send out cutting “chi” that damage health. Make sure bedside tables match, as pairing and balance reinforce relationships. Of course we know that furniture makers dont always made rounded bedside tables, so a crystal can be used as a cure.

For a happy secure relationship the bed should have a headboard attached. Timber is the best material and this headboard should be placed against a wall, not a window. Otherwise you will become insecure and less grounded.

Pillows make a bed a comfortable luxurious space. Avoid stripes (they create arguements) and strongly contrasted walls of colour butting up against each other. The best colours for a bedroom are pink, red, purple, yellow, orange, lavender or terracotta.

If someone is ill, hang a painting, photo or print of a peach tree or peach blossom near their bed, in their line of vision. If you have space, arrange a separate area in the bedroom where you can read or relax. Avoid storing books in your bedroom, especially on open shelves, as they create confusion. Keep the television out of the bedroom, and do not double the room as an office or study.

Restrict electrical items in the room as they create disruptive energy fields which discourage sleep. An attractive extra lamp with a peach or pink shade will increase harmonious energy in the room. Feng shui reveals that the physical gap which occurs when 2 partners sleep in twin beds will, over time, create an emotional gap. Double beds are better.